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Showcasing our project at international events
TEMS - which stands for Trusted European Media data Space - is a joint undertaking of 42 organisations representing hundreds of stakeholders from 12 countries in the cultural and creative sectors. TEMS is the flagship European initiative to build a resilient data-driven ecosystem in the media sector.
The TEMS consortium recently welcomed two new partners: Sound and FinCons Italy. With a team of consultants, business developers, innovation coaches, and project managers, Sound is known for creating solutions that respond to the needs of users, customers, and the market, with a Human-Centered Design approach.
As to FinCons Group Italy, its expertise in stimulating innovation through cooperation with research institutes and international organisations, makes this a meaningful addition to our Consortium. They are part of several European and international research projects that further enrich their skills in emerging technologies.
Sharing the vision and potential TEMS holds for the media industry is key to gain insight about the relevance and opportunities of the initiative. With this in mind, France Televisions leveraged its presence at Viva Technology 2024, to bring TEMS into discussions with researchers, organisations, media representatives. Inspired by these 4-day immersion into what’s new in business and innovation, the exchanges sparked interesting debates about the future application of our trials in the media ecosystem.
Members of the European Broadcast Union (EBU) gathered in Naples for the annual Technology & Innovation Summit and Technical Assembly, to learn more about the latest media technology trends. In this context, EBU joined forces with SITRA (the Finnish Innovation Fund) to raise awareness on data spaces for media, through a presentation on European data strategy and the deployment of sovereign data spaces. They also highlighted how TEMS can help media monetize access to content.
As part of the awareness-raising activities WAN-IFRA leads for TEMS, the organisation made sure this initiative was showcased and discussed by some of the hundreds of participants that attended the latest edition of the World News Media Congress. Editors, journalists, and leaders of the media industry got to learn more about how TEMS aims to redefine the way the media sector will be able to share and extract value from data.
Until 2026, TEMS will roll out 8 TRIALS covering themes spanning from the exchange of fact-checked news content, user data, personalised advertising, content syndication, or new distribution formats. Learn more about TRIALS 1 and 2.
TRIAL 1: B2B exchange platform for fact-checking and news content
Coordinated by Agence France-Presse (AFP), this trial brings together the press agencies APA (Austria Presse Agentur) and DPA (Deutsche Presse Agentur), ATC (Athens Technology Center) the technology provider for EDMO (European Digital Media Observatory), the Flemish public broadcasting group VRT and the Dutch institute for sound and vision NISV.
The trial involves the sharing of fact-checks produced by organisations referenced by the sector, and the exchange of news content produced by authenticated news media. The aim here is to increase the visibility of fact-checking in Europe, to encourage the dissemination of verified information, in particular through its republication, and to promote the exchange, whether monetised or not, of news content between professionals.
This trial also aims to develop cooperation with AI operators in a secure environment that respects legislation, particularly on copyright, and the added value of the data exchanged.
TRIAL 2: Marketplace for content and services
Led by APA and Austrian publishers, Trial 2 will develop a distributed marketplace integrated in TEMS Data Space for content syndication and media monitoring services, with the goal of gaining visibility and attracting larger media outlets for syndication, leading to increased revenue opportunities.
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